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Celluma LED Light Therapy

Celluma LED Light Therapy

Why use Celluma Light Therapy?

Celluma Panel is an award-winning, low-level-light energy device that provides a viable, safe, and affordable treatment. 

Celluma has been developed based on scientific research pioneered by NASA technology and has been FDA Cleared to treat many skin conditions by emitting light energy which is absorbed at the surface of the skin to re-establish normal cellular health and function.

What does Celluma Light Therapy do?

Celluma safely treats a wide variety of conditions easily and affordably with no known adverse effects to either practitioner or client.

Celluma’s unique LED technology emits safe, UV-free low-level light energy that profoundly affects tissue at the cellular level. Blue, red and near-infrared lights are the most commonly used wavelengths in LED phototherapy. These specific wavelengths are well researched and scientifically proven to produce therapeutic benefits.

  • Blue light penetrates through the epidermis and is known to kill acne bacteria.

  • Red light penetrates into the dermal layer and has been shown to enhance collagen and elastin production through photo-biostimulation of fibroblasts for improved skin tone, quality, clarity, and texture.

When acne bacteria builds up in pores, skin becomes inflamed, causing acne lesions and blemishes. Celluma light therapy works safely and effectively, without abrasive chemicals, harmful UV-rays or side effects, to destroy this acne-causing bacterium — not only clearing up existing blemishes but preventing future breakouts.

What is the procedure?

Firstly, we ensure the treatment area is clean, the light therapy program is a 30-minute program where the client has to lie down, close their eyes, and relax. There is no pain or uncomfortable sensations, once the light program is complete a post-recovery cream is gently massaged into the skin.  


Are you ready to dramatically improve the look and feel of your skin with the soothing, relaxing energy of Celluma?

30 Minute Session = £15.00

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