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SkinPen Microneedling

Why use SkinPen Microneedling?

Rejuvenate and repair your skin with SkinPen. A busy person’s answer for beautiful results with virtually no downtime. This fast comfortable procedure will improve the appearance of skin ageing, large pores, wrinkles, scars, and stretchmarks.

What is SkinPen?

A SkinPen (Micro-Needling) Device is a medical-grade, state-of-the-art tool that uses tiny stainless steel needles to create thousands of controlled micro-injuries to the skin. This organically stimulates your skin’s natural ability to repair itself and produce new collagen and elastin for healthier, younger appearing skin. Sometimes referred to as Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).  SkinPen is FDA cleared and Globally ISO and BSI accredited.

What problems can be effectively treated?

SkinPen works well for fine lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, acne scars, sun damage, pore size, skin laxity, lip lines, and decolletage.  The SkinPen is particularly effective for rejuvenating ageing skin, as new healthy collagen is formed you will see smoother, brighter, and tighter skin.  The SkinPen is safe for all Fitzpatrick skin types.

What is the procedure and is it safe?

A numbing cream is placed on the face for 15 minutes before treatment. Most patients report virtually no pain, just a vibrating sensation. Some note a mild scratching sensation that is easily tolerated.

We schedule 1 hour for a SkinPen treatment. The actual procedure will take 15-30 minutes depending on which areas are treated. After treatment, the Rescue Calming Complex will be placed on your face to soothe the skin.

What will I look like after the treatment?  What is the recovery time?
When can I go back to work?

Immediately following treatment your skin will have mild to moderate redness and have a sensation similar to sunburn.  Total healing time depends on each individual patient. It is best to not plan any important events 1-2 days after the procedure. Most people are able to return to work the day after treatment. 

How do I take care of my skin after my treatment?

For the first 18-24 hours after treatment, you should use only warm water and Rescue Calming Complex on the treated areas. You will be sent home with a 24 hour supply of Rescue and for the first 24 hours touching your face should be kept to a minimum and only with clean hands, pets should not go near your face.  You may wear makeup the morning after your treatment.

Avoid sweaty exercise and sun exposure for 3 days after treatment.
Avoid exfoliating agents for 2 weeks.

How do I get the best results from my SkinPen treatment?

Best results are a 2-step process. The goal is to increase the amount of collagen in your skin to minimise fine lines and wrinkles and to improve skin tone, texture, and laxity. Your SkinPen treatment triggers a natural healing response in your skin that will build more collagen. After your SkinPen treatment, continued daily skincare with products that contain skin repair/age defence ingredients will help maintain your results. We can recommend a simple daily plan of professional strength, effective products to keep your skin looking its best.

How long till I see results? How many treatments will I need?

Most see brighter healthier skin within a few days following their treatment. If you are just wanting to brighten an already healthy complexion, you may need only 1 treatment but depending on the health of your skin and the amount of pre-existing damage, we recommend 3-6 treatments spaced 4 weeks apart to get the level of improvement you desire. You will continue to see improvement in your skin for 3-6 months after treatment as new collagen grows giving your skin a more youthful healthy appearance. 

How long will my results last? 

Skin is a living growing tissue. No skin enhancement including micro-needling is permanent. Micro-needling is not an aggressive treatment but is gentler and designed for incremental results. Once you reach your desired results, normal ageing will continue. The new collagen should last for a long time unless the skin is further damaged by sun exposure, smoking, or external factors. To maintain your results, good skincare is recommended.


Are you ready for more radiant skin?

£150.00 per session

Added Extras are available such as:

  • Anti-Ageing Serum

  • LED Light Therapy

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